If you’d like to try this out, make sure you have Open::This installed. You can install it via cpanm:
cpanm Open::This
The Problem#
A couple of years ago I wrote an article on how to use Open::This to get to files (and locations within files) more easily. I use this tool from the command line constantly, but I’ve always had to exit vim
in order to use ot.
The Solution#
I got most of the way there by reading docs, but asking a question on got me to the finish line.
nnoremap <leader>ot :call OT(input("ot: ", "", "file"))<cr>
function! OT(fname)
let res = system("ot --editor vim --print " . shellescape(a:fname))
if v:shell_error
echo "\n" . res
execute "e " res
call histadd(':', printf('call OT("%s")', escape(a:fname, '"\')))
After adding the above to my .vimrc I can open files even faster than before. Now from inside vim
I can enter ,ot
and can then happily pass arguments to ot from vim
. This solution even populates vim
’s history so that I can easily re-run an earlier command. You can see it in action below: