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How to set up your own PerlMongers web service in 10 minutes or less
·273 words·2 mins
CPAN Elasticsearch metacpan perl Perl Mongers REST
MetaCPAN Status Update
·341 words·2 mins
CPAN iCPAN metacpan perl
Which CPAN Author Fields Should be Searchable?
·624 words·3 mins
CPAN metacpan perl
Expanding Your Author Info in the MetaCPAN
·818 words·4 mins
CPAN metacpan perl Building a Sexier CPAN Search
·1534 words·8 mins
CPAN Elasticsearch perl
iCPAN v1.0.2 is Now in Apple's App Store
·398 words·2 mins
CPAN iPhone Objective-C perl
Using Plack to Like a Module on Facebook
·274 words·2 mins
CPAN Facebook HTML::Highlighter perl Plack
Mangling CPAN with Plack::App::Proxy
·354 words·2 mins
CPAN perl Plack proxy syntax highlighting
iCPAN: Now Bigger, Faster and with Syntax Highlighting
·517 words·3 mins
CPAN iCPAN iPad iPhone iPod perl perldoc
HTTP::BrowserDetect for all of your UserAgent parsing needs
·954 words·5 mins
browser detection HTTP HTTP::BrowserDetect perl UserAgent